Arlene's guiding principles.

Arlene’s purpose is to explore colour for artful spaces. Her mission is to always be authentic, never shy away from having a point of view and to be open to everyone’s thoughts and interpretations.


Arlene believes that it’s important to identify and live by your own personal values both in life and at work. These are not just professed but are genuinely practiced through actions, words and behaviours. Our values are simple but genuine: authenticity, acceptance, curiosity and quality.

Genuine authenticity

Arlene is all about being real and true. She believes in showing our authentic selves even if that means being vulnerable. By being open and honest, connections are built based on trust and understanding. This allows everyone to freely express themselves and not have to hold back.

Radical acceptance

Arlene makes a conscious effort to acknowledge difference and to champion acceptance and inclusivity. This means fully accepting things as they are, instead of turning the other way, ignoring or avoiding. This is an important and necessary step in being able to move through challenging experiences and absorbing meaning from those.

Unrelenting curiosity

Arlene embraces a culture of continuous growth and improvement. This includes a willingness to learn and be influenced by life’s various cultural pursuits including art, music, books, movies, interior design, fashion and people to the benefit of her art. Growth is integral to her success and she is committed to fostering an environment that encourages learning, adaptability and constant curiosity.

Uncompromising quality

At the core, Arlene is committed to delivering the best possible quality. From our fine art paper to the 100% cotton canvas, to the suppliers we partner with, we consistently aim to exceed expectations, setting a standard of quality that creates trust, satisfaction and lasting, genuine relationships.